Spanking Videos, Slapping, Whipping, Swollen Asses, Pain & Pleasure, Bare Bottoms, Paddling, Flogging, Punishment, Discipline |
Hi! I'm Chelsea Pfeiffer and I'm a spanking enthusiast as well as a video producer, writer, photographer and editor. To find out more about me and how I got here, feel free to read my own personal spanking history. |
I have been aware of my affinity for spanking since around the age of 19 years, when I read a letter in Penthouse Letters magazine. I know, that's unusual, since most spankos were aware of their fascination with spanking from a very early age. I think the difference, for me, is that I was spanked as a child and so I had no unfulfilled curiosity. No one acted as if there was anything unusual about it...no running around acting like something horrible was happening...no hysteria or fighting between my parents. I just thought of it as something people do and I didn't think of it as abnormal. (A couple of small asides; I don't think it's abnormal now in the context of adult erotica but, I don't believe that spanking children is a proper way to handle behavior modification.) But, unbeknownst to me, spanking had made a deep impression on me. I DO remember I used to thrill when I saw spankings in movies. Only, I just thought it was romantic, like, "Oh! He really loves her!" When I read that letter, my feelings about spanking came rushing back to me. The difference, then, was that I was a sexually active adult. Suddenly the idea of spanking was completely erotic to me. I wanted to experience it, as an adult, erotically! So began my adventures which have led me to where I am today, the co-owner, with my husband Lawrence Selden, of Chelsea Pfeiffer Entertainment. |
We specialize in girl-spanks-girl spanking erotica. Why the girl/girl specialization? That's another long story, but to cut to the chase, there were already several M/F companies out there and I'd been working for a company that produced girl/girl bondage erotica. When it came time to break away from that company and start my own with my own favorite fetish, it seemed most natural to continue to work with the girl/girl formula. I was very comfortable with it and my husband actually preferred it when it came down to holding the camera and watching the proceedings on the set. Now, we've found that many of you prefer it, too, and so it's become our market niche. We've worked over the years to perfect exactly how we produce our movies. We're constantly thinking, talking, changing, perfecting in order to get it just right! I hope you enjoy our efforts, since we LOVE our work and want to continue doing it for as long as possible.
Spanking Videos, Slapping, Whipping, Swollen Asses, Pain & Pleasure, Bare Bottoms, Paddling, Flogging, Punishment, Discipline |
100s of Spanking Videos, Slapping, Whipping, Swollen Asses, Pain & Pleasure, Paddling, Punishment |
Spanking Videos, Slapping, Whipping, Swollen Asses, Pain & Pleasure, Bare Bottoms, Paddling, Flogging, Punishment, Discipline |